Games to play with 6 dice
Number of players: 3 or more Equipment required: Six 6-sided dice; Pencil and paper for scoring. Often used as a drinking game, or even for stakes, this is an easy to play, casual dice game that's good for playing with a larger group.
Number of players: Best with at least 4 Equipment required: Five 6-sided dice. Yahtzee is a classic dice game that uses five 6-sided dice. Number of players : 1 or more Equipment required : Five 6-sided dice; score cards. This lively dice game for 2 or more players uses lots of chips and an interesting scoring mechanism. Number of players: 2 or more Equipment required: Three 6-sided dice; 20 chips or counters per player; Pencil and paper for scoring.
A classic trick-taking card game that truly shines with 4 players. Number of players: 3 to 7 but best with 4 Equipment required: A standard card deck of playing cards; Pencil and paper for scoring. A multiplayer game where players attempt to get rid of cards from their hand by playing them to piles of alternating red and black cards.
Number of players: 2 to 6 Equipment required: A standard card deck of playing cards. Let your hair down and fasten your seatbelts for the joyride with your friends and loved ones. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Connect with us:. Dice Drinking Games. For Adults. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
The goal of the game is to escape this dungeon with your character by digging your way out. This can be done by rolling a certain amount of the same tool. If you roll two of the same tool you do not get any digging cards. If you roll three of the same tool you get one card if you get four of the same tool you get two cards and so on. The overall goal of the game is to get 8 cards in order to dig your way out of the dungeon. If character roles to guards they then need to keep rolling until one of two things happen all.
Either all the dice are rolled and put to the tools and nothing happens. If the player rolls a third guard then all of the digging cards are then set back to the beginning and you have to keep going up. This game can be played with four players and is a lot of fun if you can get your hands on a copy.
All of these games are fun and quirky in their own ways. Overall, these games are a ton of fun! So, what are you waiting for, grab some dice and jump right in! Your email address will not be published.
Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance. Top Picks — Best Dice Games These games can also easily be modified with your own rules for your own enjoyment.
This list starts out with: Yahtzee Yahtzee is a fun and competitive game that includes five dice and a pad of paper that shows the scores you can achieve throughout the game. Dice 10, Dice 10, is another very fun dice games that you can play.
Drop Dead Another fun and simple dice games is a game called drop dead. Mexico Another very simple but fun dice games is a game called Mexico. Shut The Box Shut the box is another fun dice games that you can buy at most stores. Farkle Another popular but fun game to play is called Farkle. Beetle One game that includes drawing a picture along with rolling dice is called beetle. Dungeons And Dragons Although dungeons and dragons is a fantasy role-playing game this game heavily revolves around dice.
Dungeon Dice The last and best dice games on our list has to come to the game called Dungeon Dice. Author Recent Posts. A die that lands in the hole is worth three points. DAGZ takes traditional game pieces the dice and adds them to a throwing and aiming format that many of us are familiar with.
Plus, the boards are handmade, and the bar versions come in custom crafted basin tables. It is a serious contender to go right alongside a pool or foosball table in a game room or pub. There you have it! Seven fantastic dice games that you can play at your local bar, at home — or just about anywhere you choose.
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